Deva Mahal Looks for Love on Netflix Original Series, Dating Around

Watch Deva Mahal see if she can find love on the newest season of Netflix’s Dating Around. After spending last year performing at Bonnaroo, Lockn', and Carnegie Hall, Deva relocated to New Orleans where she caught the eye of the casting director for the hit Netflix Series.  Each episode features a single who goes on five first dates that are filled with flirty banter, awkward exchanges and -- hopefully -- moments of true connection. Dating Around takes an honest and compelling look at the real world of wooing potential mates but will Deva find a good connection? Season 2 premieres June 12th - add it to your watchlist!

Dating can be awkward... but it's time to believe in love again. In this oh-so-real dating show, Dating Around: Season 2 follows 6 singles on their dating jo...
